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Friday 26 October 2012

draft white paper on e - education

Good morning.
i was exploring the policies that is documented in South Africa and found this:
Draft white paper on e-Education: transforming learning and teaching through ICT which was penned on August 2003:

It provides definitions of different terminology within the South African context and presents several plans for the future for the promotion of e-learning. I found it interesting  to see that breakdown per province of schools with computers and schools with computers for teaching and learning. this follows with a projection into the future growth of  the digital world in South Africa in primary and secondary education. i have not found any document that follows this up as yet but will continue searching to find the latest statistics.
perusing through the entire document and one can identify the alignment with ADDIE model through all the stages. the level of detail in the planning makes this an impressive document and definitely worth a  read.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

thank you for feedback

I have some excellent feedback and am greatful for all of it. This has prompted me to review my approach to this project.
This is a large task that i'm embarking on and will focus on the the case study assessmentfor the Mphil assignment.
At this point the idea of podocasting the lectures is a vision for the future. There might be a discomfort from the lecturers presenting the lecture. Currently the focus  will be to upload the lecture powerpoint presentations and keep  a discussion  forum open per lecture. This is because the theme of diabetes is presented in an integrated approach and therefore more than one department is involved. But I will introduce the idea of podocasting the lectures and explore it further for the 2014 academic year.

There are 6 facilitators responsible for the assessment of the assignments which allocates approximately 40 - 45 students per facilitator. Furthermore, the assignment itself has been streamlined to guide the student into preparing a concise case study of less than 2000 words. It is also possible for the same facilitator to follow the reflection of the student. However, the reflection is only for the students learning and not yet part of the assessment itself.

I have a go ahead from my HOD to start this for next year on Blackboard aind was given the impression from IT that this will be possible with little hassle. But let us wait and see first............

Tuesday 23 October 2012

huge mistake

i think i finally have this blogging sorted out....seems like i was responding to my own comments and therefore could not see it being published. after much drama i think i might finally be somewhere. slow but great learning experience

Good morning

Good morning. I'm back after a weekend of serious reading and progressed a little further. this is merely the summary of my thoughts.

whole class lectures: podocast the lectures to augment the learning prior to the lecture and use the lecture time as discussion session for face to face interaction.
Case study:at this stage for next academic year each student is to submit this assignment via email to the facilators. this is a gigantic step forward to going paperless and crossing fingers it is successful.
Reflection: i think a blog can be incoporated for reflecting on learning.

I like the idea of a VLE into which all the above can be possible.
I am not sure if this institution will be able to support these ideas and so now im off to the IT department.......

up in the clouds: Entering the new world

Good morning. It is a rather late start to blogging but better late than never.
I am enjoying working through the ADDIE model as it is systematic and embraces all angles of designing a course and appreciate that it is not confined to an e learning course.

My attempt for this assignment is to focus on a clinicl theme of Diabete Mellitus that is an existing part of the 3rd year medical curriculum.
This theme carries through the year in the form of whole class lectures.
Furthermore it requires the students to integrate different aspects of patient interview and clinical examination,applied pathophysiology and ethical dilemmas encountered in the process in a form of a case study.
A reflection on the learning through this experience completes the case study.

I have deliberatley presented the theme in the 3 parts above and hope to work through it finding the best approach for each of the segments.

I will be back here as soon as I have progressed ......

Thursday 2 February 2012